ACH Awards

Alliance for Camp Health Awards

Recognizing excellence in the profession of Camp Nursing and Camp Healthcare, ACH has five award opportunities.

Annually ACH awards the Innovations in Camp Health Award, the Exemplary Camp Health Leadership Award the CompassPoint Writing Award and the Research Award. Nominations are open September 1-December 31. Award winners will be honored at the ACH Symposium in February.

The  Jeanne Otto Award is a special recognition award given to Jeanne Otto, ACN’s founder, in 1992. The award was then changed to the Jeanne Otto Award. This award was created in honor of ACN’s founder, as a way to formally recognize a camp nurse for outstanding professional contribution to the practice of camp nursing. It is meant to recognize only exceptional effort; consequently, the Award is not usually given each year. Any ACH member may nominate another member for the Jeanne Otto Award.

Nominations for ACH Annual Awards are currently open, and will be open until December 31.