Post a Job Ad
Nurses | Behavioral Health Specialists | Non-RN non-MD Healthcare Providers | Student Nurses
You may be specific about what positions you are hiring for!
ACH Members: You must be logged in to your account for the Member rate.
I Am Looking for a Camp Healthcare Job
Nurses | Behavioral Health Specialists | Non-RN non-MD Healthcare Providers | Student Nurses
Post your resume and get your name out there!
$100 – members | $195 non-members
** ACH Members** For the member pricing log into the Member Center, click “Post a Job Ad” or click the button above
Non-Members are welcome to post an ad, but it’s less expensive to join ACH for $75 and receive the member ad price.of $100
Posting an ad includes access to the Resume page
ACH recognizes that finding a camp nurse can be difficult. We provide space to connect camps and healthcare providers. Nurses typically plan their summer in early winter because they must request time off from their regular job. Post your ad now to gain as much exposure as possible. The fee remains the same no matter how long it is posted.
So, why not advertise where nurses are looking? Interested?
Once you place a Camp Healthcare Provider Job Ad with ACH we’ll provide the password to the Camp Healthcare Resume page
All job ads are removed from the website in August of each year in preparation for camps to being posting for the next season.
Please submit your information to ACH! It’s free, we just want to help nurses find a great camp. We will post your information and make it available to all camps who place a healthcare job ad with us. Browse the job board and feel free to contact camps who may interest you.
ACH has prepared some questions to ask as you inquire about positions to help you learn about the camp, and find a position that is the best fit for you. Link below.
All individual submissions will be deleted at the end of August of each year, in preparation for the next season.
We respect your privacy. Your information will be available only to camps who place a job ad with ACH.