The ACA Research Forum is an opportunity for researchers and camp professionals to share and discuss new research related to campers, camp staff, camp programs, and a wide variety of other camp-related topics.

A special thanks to our Research Affiliates Clemson University, Camp Doc and Tickit Health

Camp Health Research Initiatives

Under the direction of Barry Garst, PhD and in collaboration with the ACH affiliates, the work ACH does is firmly based in research. Ongoing initiates provide the insight and data needed to inform the work that we do. Through research, camp healthcare providers utilize evidence to guide practice and make client care decisions. By incorporating research-informed practices, camp healthcare providers enrich their clinical experience and training.

Current and past studies on camp health provide the information needed to continue developing the profession of camp health. Collaboration between the Alliance for Camp Health, universities, funding agencies and industry partners is foundational to these evidence based research studies.

Active Research Projects
Digital Empathy with Tickit Health

John Hamilton | Barry Garst | Sandy Whitehouse Project Leads

Project Start: Spring 2023 (through 2024 and beyond)

Year 1 Report: Implementation of the “My View” Screening Tool within the Camp Community

In the Spring of 2023, the Alliance for Camp Health (ACH) and Tickit Health (Tickit) launched an exciting new collaboration to beginning with the My View MESH (+) Screening Project. Our goal is to improve the provision of care in the summer enrichment setting by using Digital Empathy as a screening framework to promote wellbeing.

The My View tool, designed by Tickit, is evidence-based, child and youth focused, strength-based and trauma informed. Using My View as a part of pre-camp screening will provide campers with a sense of belonging and reassurance before their camp experience while infusing hope by allowing them to imagine themselves in certain settings and experiences before camp. The work supports ACH’s commitment to research and the desire to capture youth voice as we expand the body of knowledge that directs camp health services.

Initial dissemination of these findings has been presented at the National Summer Learning Association’s National Conference and within ACH’s 3-part Interconnected Ecosystems Series. Future dissemination is planned at the 2024 American Camp Association National Conference as part of the annual ACA Research Forum.

ACH Member Survey

Barry Garst Project Lead

Project Start: Fall 2024

ACH regularly survey its members and others within the broader camp community to understand issues impacting camp health care services and the overall provision of high-quality camp experiences. Recently, the ACH Member Survey has focused on how the camp community is experiencing and responding to issues associated with camp health. ACH members were asked questions on 10 relevant content areas: camp characteristics, communicable disease planning and response, tick education and prevention, camper MESH, staff MESH, parents and MESH, MESH resources, workplace fatigue, use of research evidence, and camp nursing education. Dissemination of these findings will speak to implications within camp health care and forward directions.

ACH Scoping Review

Barry Garst | Alex Skrocki | Ingrid Siegman | Ali Dubin Project Leads

Project start: Fall 2022

While research on the provision of camp health services has been emerging for decades, no comprehensive reviews of the available research have been conducted, which has created a significant gap in the body of knowledge about camp health services and camp health care practice.  In response to this gap, the purpose of the scoping review is to synthesize available research evidence related to the provision of camp health care. Simply stated, the scoping review is exploring the question, “What is the scope of camp health care services provided to youth minors within the context of day and overnight camp experiences?”

Findings from this review will be published and disseminated to camp health care providers beginning in 2024.

MESH Survey

Barry Garst Project Lead

Project Start: Spring 2022

We understand that mental, emotional, and social health (MESH) have been the most significant challenge for camps over the past few years.  ACH strives to serve camps by understanding the current state of MESH issues and providing needed resources and support. This research is being performed in conjunction with Clemson University. The first of three anticipated publications resulting from this research was published in the Fall issue (Volume 33, Issue 2) CompassPoint and can be found here

Fatigue Study

Workplace Fatigue Within Summer Camp

ACH is conducting an ongoing research project to better understand camp-related fatigue.

Phase 2 is ongoing. Read the abstract below published in the Journal of Experiential Education

Workplace Fatigue Within Summer Camp: Perspectives From Camp Health Care Providers and Directors (August 2019)

Phase 1 of the project (spring of 2018) gathered information from focus groups of camp nurses and directors to better understand how fatigue is conceptualize and experienced in camp settings, as well as strategies for managing fatigue.

Infographic with Fatigue Study.

Past Research Studies
Healthy Camp Study

The Healthy Camps initiative was inaugurated when ACA received Markel funding for an injury-illness study in 2006. The study was conducted 2006-2010. As a result of that initial committee’s work ACN’s member contribution to Healthy Camps’ work effort became apparent. That collaborative connection was formally recognized when Healthy Camps II began and an ACN seat on the committee was designated. The relationship between the two organizations has continued to develop ever since because ACN and ACA share “common ground” interest in improving the health profile of our Camp Community.

For more details view ACA’s Healthy Camps Toolbox at

Current ACN Members who are serving on the Healthy Camps Committee:

  • Linda Erceg
  • Barry Garst
  • Tracey Gaslin
  • Stuart Weinberg
Impact of COVID-19 on Camp Operations Summer 2022

Barry Garst | Tracey Gaslin Project Leads

Since 2020 ACH has been actively involved in a COVID-19 mixed-methods research program to identify the prevalence of COVID-19 positive cases within the camp community, to identify effective practices for reducing the spread of COVID-19 (and its variants) in camps (such as the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions) and to better understand how camps have changed camp health care, camp operations, and camp programming following the onset of COVID-19.  Recent publications from this research program include:

A special thank you to CampDoc for their partnership in this effort and an interest in improving the lives of those we serve.

Concussions in the Camp Setting

In collaboration with the Association of Camp Nursing, concussion researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia conducted a survey study evaluating the practices of camp providers in managing concussion in the camp setting (August 2017.) Despite the frequency of head injury at summer camps, protocols for managing concussion in this setting is limited, and the variability of its management in this setting is unknown. By characterizing the patterns of management of summer camp providers, we hope to be able to design appropriate guidelines to aid the summer camp provider in managing pediatric concussion.

Based on this study, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Research Instutute presented a webinar on Concussion at Camp. The webinar was recorded, and is available as a member benefit. Log in, and click on “Webinars.”

Anaphylaxis Study

May 2016

ACN participated in an Anaphylaxis study in conjunction with Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ohio State University initiated in May 2016. Camp nurses provided feedback regarding anaphylaxis in the camp setting allowing us to better understand the implications of care and identify measures to address safety.

Study Findings

Food Allergy Prevalence and Management in an Overnight Summer Camp

Anaphylaxis Knowledge in Camp Personnel

Survey data were collected from camp directors, medical personnel, and camp staff concerning food allergy and anaphylaxis. Knowledge gaps were identified in these groups, particularly in identifying anaphylaxis, but recent training was associated with increased knowledge.   Read the Article

Food Allergy Trends and Epinepherie Autoinjector Presence at Summer Camps Read the Article


ACH Research Collaboration

ACH collaborates with individuals and organizations to explore topics relevant to the topic of camp health. Collaboration proposals that (a) support the mission of the ACH and (b) benefit the camp community are considered. To express interest in an ACH research collaboration, submit a proposal (1,000 words max) to the ACH research committee at [email protected] detailing the project’s purpose, theoretical background hypotheses/research questions, methods, budget, timeline, and plan for dissemination of research findings. Proposals are reviewed by ACH’s Research Committee and/or the Board, and the applicant is notified of acceptance or denial.  To access the research collaboration guidelines and collaboration agreement click the link to the right.

Research Award

ACH awards great research! Nominations accepted

Research Seed Grant

Interested in conducting research? Apply for a seed grant!