Jan 18, 2024 | ACH News, Partnerships
Meaningful work being accomplished, as ACH CareTeam members collaborate with ACH members and ACH Partners. CareTeam members spent time in Maine with leaderstaff staff from Camp Susan Curtis as we prepare for CampWell training at ACA New England. Recent and upcoming...
Jan 2, 2024 | ACH News, Fight the Bite, Partnerships
The Alliance for Camp Health (ACH) is proud to announce our “Fight the Bite” U.S. Tick Borne + Lyme Disease Initiative. With the generous support of a $153k Grant from SC Johnson, our initiative will extend the reach of Lyme Disease and tick prevention through...
May 29, 2023 | Partnerships, Research
I believe this collaborative project will enable campers to be seen, feel heard, and find connection today, while the result of this innovative project will reshape the future of the summer learning industry for years to come. John Hamilton Chief Strategy and...