ACN Research Seed Grant
ACN offers the Camp Nursing Research Seed Grant Program to provide support for nurses and other camp researchers who wish to conduct research in the field of camp health

Seed Grant Requirements
- ACN’s Research Seed Grants accepts submissions until funding for the program is exhausted
- Awards are announced within six weeks of the submission date
- To submit a request, the researcher must be a member of ACN; membership may be initiated at the time of grant submission
- The Association has allocated a total of $1,000 per year for research
- Individual requests for up to $500 will be considered
- Up to 2 awards may be awarded annually
- Monies may be used to purchase questionnaires, for postage or copying costs, for educational materials, for specific supplies or other expenses of research. They should not be used for costs of presenting research or travel unless it is needed for the study itself
- Proposals may be submitted on the form, or sent electronically to [email protected]. The ACN Research committee, comprised of BSN, MSN and PhD prepared camp nurses and camp researchers, reviews proposals and make allocation decisions
- A summary of the research project and outcomes will be submitted for publication in CompassPoint, ACN’s quarterly newsletter, within six months of research completion. This does not preclude the individual from publishing in other peer-reviewed journals or presenting findings at conferences.
Research Seed Grant
Application for Research Seed Grant Funding from ACN