Explain what this individual did, the impact of that action(s), and why (the rational) your nominee deserves to receive the Innovations in Camp Health Practice Award.
Provide supporting evidence that demonstrates how the nominee significantly changed the health profile of your camp’s campers, staff and/or program.
This is the most critical portion of your nomination. It is not sufficient for a nominee to merely be good at the camp healthcare provider job. The award recognizes the camp healthcare staff who go beyond the camp’s expected job performance to improve the camp’s health/wellness status. The camp and/or its campers and staff are healthier because of what the camp nurse accomplished. ACN’s review committee will be looking for that evidence.
Explain what this individual did, the impact of that action(s), and why (the rational) your nominee deserves to receive the Exemplary Camp Health Leadership Award
Provide supporting evidence that demonstrates how the nominee significantly changed the health profile of your camp’s campers, staff and/or program.
This is the most critical portion of your nomination. It is not sufficient for a nominee to merely be good at the healthcare provider job. The award recognizes the camp healthcare provider who goes beyond the camp’s expected job performance to improve the camp’s health/wellness status. The camp and/or its campers and staff are healthier because of what the camp nurse accomplished. ACH’s review committee will be looking for that evidence.
Describe in 1,000 words or less how this nomination meets the criteria listed below. Specifically, describe the following:
Research need/relevance
Methodological rigor
Key findings
Implications for research and/or practice. Attach additional pages as needed
Research must be novel, innovative, and/or address an important question
Research must build the existing body of knowledge related to camp healthcare and/or wellness within the camp experience
Project must be completed (data analysis finished and findings identified)
Nominee(s) must be willing to submit a research synopsis for ACN’s professional publication, CompassPoint
(You may upload this as a document if you wish)