CampWell is a six-hour skills-based, in-person, multi-tiered, training course that guides participants to identify, understand, cultivate, and create a community of well-being. Created in collaboration with the American Camp Association and supported by the H.E. Butt Foundation the CampWell training program aims to help all be well at camp and seeks to create consistent care across the spectrum of all summer learning spaces. As an immersive learning program CampWell is uniquely designed to help leaders shape programs that incorporate the tools, self-awareness, and understanding needed to enhance the experience and safety for all.
Successful launch of the CampWell program! 10 camps are included in the pilot testing of the program. The group gathered with subject matter experts and content experts at Laity Lodge in Texas last week for training. Camps will take content back to their programs for summer 2023, implementing a focus on creating communities of WellBeing. Exciting times as we dive more deeply into how to create healthy camp communities!