Tracey Gaslin, PhD, CRNI, CPNP, FNP-BC
Executive Director
A previous professor and dual certified nurse practitioner in pediatrics and adults. Tracey completed her PhD in Educational and Organizational Leadership and taught for 10 years specializing in camp nursing, service leadership, physiology, and hematology. Dr. Gaslin periodically works as a camp consultant and legal consultant and publishes the majority of her work in the areas of bleeding disorders, pediatric development, camp nursing, behavioral health, and service leadership.
Dr. Gaslin served as the Medical Director at a special needs camp for six years where she directed care for children with chronic disease, disability, and life-threatening illness. She currently serves as the Executive Director for the Association of Camp Nursing and recently (2020) co-authored a textbook: Camp Nursing; The Basics and Beyond. Tracey is passionate about every child having a camp experience and learning that they can achieve great things in life.

Mary Marugg, RN
Director of Operations
Mary is passionate about camp, and believes that a healthy camp experience will develop kids to be the best they can be. Connected to ACN since the 1980’s, Mary is committed to providing the resources camps need to have healthy camp communities. An RN and certified Wilderness First Responder, she has extensive wilderness experience, most familiar with the mountains and deserts of the Southwest. She and her husband are Founding Directors of a camp in Colorado, grateful for 43 years of opportunity to live and work at camp.

Kayla Waterhouse
Creative Director
or Director of Helping in Any Way Possible
A floral design and business background is only a small bit of why Kayla is great at her job. Curious, creative and passionate about camp Kayla understands why all camp health services need the resources that ACN has developed and is currently developing. She is delighted to have the opportunity to assist in delivering those resources to all ACN members, and the greater camp community. She looks forward to getting to know you a bit better.