“ACN is the best, most helpful professional organization that I have been affiliated with. Stay on course, we’re definitely headed in the right direction.”
Casting the Vision
The 2022-2024 ACN Board begins their term January 1. The group spent the weekend with ACN Executive Director Tracey Gaslin getting oriented to the non-profit Board process, some ACN history and casting vision for the future of the organization. The Board carries the vision and strategy for the organization. The ACN staff does the operational work to carry out that vision.
A productive weekend! In the shifting world of camp health there is much to consider and the time in discussion was productive.
2022-2024 ACN Board of Directors
President- John Hamilton
Barry Garst PhD, Aviva Gluck, RN, Lindsey Guye, RN, Matt Hecht, RN, Lynne Rodrigues, RN, Beth Schultz, PhD, DNP, RN, Katie Swain, RN.
ACN Staff: Tracey Gaslin PhD, CRNI, CPNP, FNP-BC – Executive Director, Mary Marugg RN, Technical Support, Kayla Waterhouse, Administrative Assistant.