ACN Board of Directors
2019 – 2021
A new year, and January 1 starts the new term for the ACN Board of Directors. Some board members will continue their board service, we welcome new members and appreciate the stability of those staying on for another three years. A huge thank-you to two members moving off the Board, Jeana Wilcox and Debra Isaacson. Thanks for your hard work gals!
Tracey Gaslin, PhD, CRNI, CPNP, FNP-BC – Executive Director
Cheryl Bernkopf, RN, BSCN. Cheryl is our Canadian representative. She sits on the Executive committee and is the chair of the Education committee
Barry Garst, PhD brings extensive research experience to our Board. He chairs the Research committee
Matt Hecht, RN is new to the board. He brings depth to the board being an RN and a camp director. He is on the Education committee
Paula Lauer, RN, BAN remains on the board as the Board President and sits on the Outreach committee
Bev McEnterfer remains on the board. She is a camp director, and is on the Outreach committee
Lynne Rodriguez, RN is new to the board. Lynne sits on the Research committee
Beth Schultz, RN, DNP remains on the board. She sits on the Research committee and fills the role of secretary
Rachel Waszczak, RN New to the board, Rachel brings not only camp administrative experience but camp nurse experience to the board. She is the chair of the Outreach committee
(Not pictured in the photo above: Barry Garst)
Want to connect with the Board? We’d love to hear from you!