On the Road: ACH CareTeam

On the Road: ACH CareTeam

Meaningful work being accomplished, as ACH CareTeam members collaborate with ACH members and ACH Partners. CareTeam members spent time in Maine with leaderstaff staff from Camp Susan Curtis as we prepare for CampWell training at ACA New England. Recent and upcoming...
ACN Board Advance

ACN Board Advance

“ACN is the best, most helpful professional organization that I have been affiliated with. Stay on course, we’re definitely headed in the right direction.” ACN Member Casting the Vision The 2022-2024 ACN Board begins their term January 1. The group...
ACN MESH Initiatives

ACN MESH Initiatives

ACN Initiatives Lets talk about Mental, Emotional and Social Health Conversation in camp communities this fall has focused on the MESH needs of both campers and staff. The Listening Groups that ACN conducted with camp directors and camp nurses revealed many concerns...


Tick Season Spring and early summer is usually tick season (and in some parts of the country mid-August through November.) Ticks are most often found in wooded areas, and adhere to people as a source of food and nourishment. There are a variety of different ticks...