Hosting Retreat Groups in a Covid World

Hosting Retreat Groups in a Covid World

Hosting Retreat Groups in a Covid World Fall/Winter 2022 Wrapping up summer camp and moving into retreat season, Covid-19 continues to have an impact on our staff and guests. Navigating user groups may present challenges different than typical summer camps healthcare...
ACN to ACH: Our Organization is Embracing the Future

ACN to ACH: Our Organization is Embracing the Future

“Our organization is growing up. We’re ready to contemporize. That is what I am excited about. The Alliance for Camp Health is a timely need. We have to embrace what is coming in our future, let alone what is happening today. Join me in celebrating the...
ACN MESH Initiatives

ACN MESH Initiatives

ACN Initiatives Lets talk about Mental, Emotional and Social Health Conversation in camp communities this fall has focused on the MESH needs of both campers and staff. The Listening Groups that ACN conducted with camp directors and camp nurses revealed many concerns...
COVID Today: Vaccine Booster

COVID Today: Vaccine Booster

Vaccine Booster (Late August 2021) A COVID-19 vaccine booster is now being made available.  Initially the booster was for individuals who are immunocompromised but will now be available to anyone who wishes to get a booster after September 20, 2021.   ...