Collaboration Opportunities

Have you ever considered collaborating with the leading voice in camp healthcare?  Partner with ACN by choosing where and how you would like your brand and logo presented to the ACN membership.

ACN is the leading voice in camp healthcare. Since 1994 we have provided educational resources for many aspects of camp health services. ACN developed the scope and standards of camp nursing practice, leads the way in camp health research and is proud to partner with other organizations as we help create healthy camp communities.

Why Partner?

Our goal is to conduct, promote, and encourage research and education related to camp health. We provide an opportunity to other organizations to collaborate with ACN in camp health, wellness, and safety efforts. 

ACN offers different levels of collaboration. Select all the places you would like your company or brand visible to the ACN membership, and add to your cart. The total amount you spend will determine your collaboration level. Collaboration levels are listed below:

Questions? Feel free to give us a call:  502.830.8393. You may add your selections to your cart and pay with a credit card, or we’re happy to receive checks for payment if you prefer.  If sending a check, include details about which collaboration projects you are choosing.

0 × Webinar Sponsor
Sponsor an ACN Webinar ACN presents webinars on a variety of camp healthcare topics, most frequently in the winter and spring months. Typical attendance is 100-400 participants, nurses, camp directors and camp healthcare professionals. By choosing to sponsor a webinar your brand and logo will be on the webinar page of the App, as well as featured in pre-webinar slides.
0 × App Sponsorship
Sponsor the ACN App for 1 Year The ACN App (a PWA mobile app) is key for all ACN webinars and events. Schedules, links, speaker bios and updates are all accessed through the app. One sponsorship opportunity is available each year. For $1000 your logo will be visible on the App for every event. Both ACN members and non-members attend ACN webinars and events, attendance averages 100-400 individuals per webinar or event. This is great exposure for your brand!
1 × Virtual Fall Healthcare Conference
Sponsor the ACN Virtual Fall Camp Healthcare Conference Collaborate with ACN for our Fall Virtual Conference each October. Collaborating with ACN for this  event will include your logo on the ACN App, your organization or company will be included in the slide deck shown between sessions for the conference and your logo and description will be included in pre- event marketing
1 × Online Symposium
Sponsor the ACN Online Symposium Collaborate with ACN for our annual Symposium. Collaborating with ACN for this  event will include your logo on the ACN App, your organization or company will be included in the slide deck shown between sessions for the conference and your logo and description will be included in pre- event marketing

ACN offers different levels of collaboration. Select all the places you would like your company or brand visible to the ACN membership, and add to your cart. The total amount you spend will determine your collaboration level. Collaboration levels are listed below:

Coffee   $300 - $500

Compass. $501 - $1000

Fire. $1001 - $2500

Tent $2501 - $5000

Lantern $5000 +