Digital Empathy Sites

2024 Digital Empathy Sites

The ACH CareTeam is grateful that you will be implementing the My View MESH (+) Screening Project this summer. You’ll find the resources you need to implement the screening program. 

MyView Tickit Health Training


Please reach out with questions or concerns to the ACH CareTeam:

John Hamilton | Chief Engagement and Strategy Officer

[email protected]

Or reach out directly to the Tickit Health Support Team [email protected]

Screening matters! Read the research from 2023

The Tickit Health Digital EmpathyTM platform is proving to be an essential tool to gain youth voice in an effort to empower, support, and validate youth lived experience. We are excited about the potentials this tool provides and how it can promote healing-centered engagement through camp.

Tracey Gaslin

CEO, Alliance for Camp Health

MyView Tickit Health Dashboard Review