CampWell Facilitator Training

April 16-19, 2024

H. E. Butt Foundation Camp’s Headwaters  Leakey, TX

Cost: $750

(When you register, you have the option to pay by check, payment not required at the time of registration)

Travel: Attendees will cover the cost of their own travel

Airport: SAT (San Antonio International)

CampWell in person training includes six hours of interactive classroom learning, over two days with additional time for a shared experience in the natural world, internal assessment of your staff training, and practice time. 

Created in collaboration with the American Camp Association and supported by the H.E. Butt Foundation the CampWell training program aims to help all be well at camp and seeks to create consistent care across the spectrum of all summer learning spaces. As an immersive learning program CampWell is uniquely designed to help leaders shape programs that incorporate the tools, self-awareness, and understanding needed to enhance the experience and safety for all. 

CampWell Facilitator Training is the path for individuals to have the content and credential to provide Level One and Level Two CampWell trainings. As a facilitator of the program you will maintain the essence of CampWell by incorporating a spirit of well-being as foundation for flourishing in the world (self, family, school, community). By incorporating our national evidence-based curriculum, interactive activities, group discussions, and practical exercises, facilitators will make the CampWell training dynamic and memorable. Our approach enhances the learning journey and empowers all at camp to apply their newfound knowledge in real life situations. CampWell Facilitators will be stewards of the program, modeling well-being, creating, marketing and coordinating the logistics of their training.

The “full details” button below provides additional information.


John Hamilton | Chief Strategy and Engagement Officer | [email protected]