unit dosing medications

HOME Forums Camp Health unit dosing medications

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  • #52382

    Has anyone had experience with Amazon filling and packaging campers prescriptive medications?

    Jennifer Costello

    We use CampMeds so no experience with Amazon…will follow this to hear from others however!

    Susan Schwartzman

    Spoke to Amazon pill pack… the whole process is on the parent to complete on schedule so that the medications will be at camp with the camper.

    Also…”Schedule II medications, whether designated at a federal or state level, are not dispensed by our pharmacy. Narcotics such as oxycodone and non-narcotic medications like Adderall aren’t available and need to be filled through another pharmacy.”

    We will be using CampMeds this summer.

    Mary Marugg

    The Alliance for Camp Health receives the frequent inquiry about bubble pack/pill pack medications. Thank you to those who use various services to provide some feedback on how they work for your program! Thank you.

    Mary Marugg, RN
    Operations Director
    Alliance for Camp Health

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