Thermometer Deal

HOME Forums Camp Health Thermometer Deal

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  • #42275
    Heather Linehan

    Hello all!

    Looking forward finally to summer, albeit modified summer. I ran across a deal in some emails, and wanted to share. The Exergen company is offering nurses their TAT-2000C thermometer for 19.99, shipping included. msrp is 49.99. Order on the company website, the coupon code is V1245 and expires. 4/25. I have no interest in this company but I do love a good sale and thought this would be good to share. Have a great summer!

    Heather Linehan

    Mary Marugg

    Heather, Would you point the group to the specific website? Visiting the Exergen website, I only found directions pointing to retail outlets that carry their products, not a way to order on the website. Thanks so much!

    Heather Linehan
    Participant coupon code is V1245

    Mary Marugg

    Thanks Heather! This is very helpful.

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