Testing vaccinated individuals

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    Lynne Rodrigues

    Hello Everyone!

    My camp is working on finalizing a COVID testing plan for this summer. I am looking for feedback regarding testing vaccinated individuals. If an individual is vaccinated, do they need to be tested along with the camp population? Would they be exempt from testing only in the 90 or 120 day window post completion of the vaccination series? Should they be tested just as any member of the camp community? I would welcome thoughts and evidence as to best practice.

    Lynne Rodrigues

    Laurel Gourville

    I too am looking for this guidance. We are following NH guidelines which include testing all camp members: pre-entry/entry/day 5 (if >1week camp).
    College campus testing protocols continue to test vaccinated members, so my guess is that we will need to continue this process. If anything, it will provide some great epidemiology data regarding vaccine effectiveness….but it is an expensive bit of data collection.

    Laurel Skinder Gourville


    Hello Friends:

    Here is a document you might find helpful in providing you guidance around CDC recommendations for vaccinated people. There is a link at the bottom of the form that will take you to the CDC page if you wish to read yourself.


    Best to you
    Tracey Gaslin

    Lynne Rodrigues

    Thank you Tracey!!

    Lynne Rodrigues

    Thank you Laurel for your response as we travel this path together!

    Maryellen McCone

    I spoke to the coordinator of congregate settings from the NH DHHS and asked him specifically if they would follow the cdc guidelines that don’t require testing of vaccinated individuals and he said they would.
    He also mentioned that they were meeting again this week and would likely have revisions to the “Safer at Home” guidance even though it was just revised in March. Things continue to change Almost daily and mostly for the better I think.

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