Should parents be notified of a missed medication dose?

HOME Forums Camp Health Should parents be notified of a missed medication dose?

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  • #52905
    Amy Silvers

    I’m looking for guidance / best practices regarding notifying parents or legal guardians of medication errors, specifically missed doses when the child is responsible for self administration (our nurse stores all meds in the clinic but it is the participant’s responsibility to come to the clinic at the correct time to self administer their medication). Does the ACH have a recommendation for how medication errors should be documented and if parents should be notified? I’ve referenced the Practice Guideline: Medication Management for Day and Resident Camps, which advises camps should have “A protocol describing how medication errors are handled, to whom they are reported, and how the incident is documented.” but doesn’t give guidance as to who exactly should be notified. I tried to purchase The Scope and Standards of Camp Nursing Practice hoping it would go into more details but it’s currently sold out. Our programs are located in a state that doesn’t provide guidance for youth camps so we use the ACH and ACA as our primary resources when creating policies and procedures. If anyone would be willing to share what their programs do, or if someone from ACH is on this forum and would be willing to provide guidance, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

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