Hi Chrisabel, You will not have to report anything directly to the CDC. Each state health department is reponsible for that process. You should only be required to report to your state health department. If reporting information isn’t listed on your state’s Covid site, look under their reportable diseases pages. Some will have paper reports that need to be faxes in to the HD each day, others will have an online reporting database.
I’m in TN, and our clinic had to register with the state’s online reporting database. At the end of each day, we log in to input all our results, both positive and negative. The state takes it from there.
If you can find a contact at your local county/metro health department, I would strongly recommend speaking with them as to whether they would like to have you also call them directly since camp is essentially a congregate setting. That may help you and them start the contact tracing process a a day or two earlier, which would benefit everyone.