Purchasing Health Centre Supplies in Kentucky

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  • #45058

    I am looking for recommendations for where to purchase supplies for the Health Centre online or in Kentucky. I know there used to be a company that offered a discount through ACN but I can’t find it on here anymore. Any suggestions of companies others like to use?

    Thanks so much
    Kathleen Bochsler
    Tim Horton Camp Kentahten

    Mary Marugg

    Hi Kathleen,

    ACH has an agreement with BoundTree Medical, where ACH members can purchase supplies online for a discount. Prices vary, so you may find less expensive prices through other vendors, but BoundTree is a great place to start. You may also purchase through CampDoc.

    For purchasing details for both CampDoc and Boundtree: https://allianceforcamphealth.org/healthcare-supplies/


    Mary Marugg

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Mary Marugg.

    Thank you so much!


    Jim Bird

    I have also used Boundtree and found their customer service to be excellent. Their pricing was better in most cases than our other medical supplies vendor. That being said, Boundtree’s catalog didn’t have as many of the pharmaceuticals that I wanted, so for those I went with Masune.

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