Positive Staff Covid Tests

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  • #45390
    Lisa Keeler

    Help!! We are three days from our start of camp and now have 4 positive staff. All staff were negative the day prior to arrival and then we had one positive staff of day of pre-camp number 3. Two more positive the next day and one more today. I am in a panic that we will run into the same issue with campers. We are a residential camp and have minimal areas for isolation. All the staff are asymptomatic except for one with a sore throat. Any words of wisdom??

    Mary Marugg

    Hi Lisa! Feel free to call the ACH hotline for a conversation with Tracey Gaslin about your situation.502.830.8393

    You can find CDC Guidance https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/overnight-camp.html

    The recommendation for positive individuals is to isolate for 5 days, then re-test. If they are negative they may re-join the group but it is suggested that they then mask for 5 an additional days.

    I understand the concern for not only the space to isolate positive individuals, but the loss of staff can be significant.



    Mary Marugg, RN
    ACH Director of Operations

    Lisa Keeler

    Thanks!! We made it through without any further cases and everyone is out of quarantine!

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