Nursing Schedule

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    Katie Hilton

    I’m wondering if anyone can share what their weekly nursing schedule looks like and how many nurses you have each week at camp. We will have roughly 60 kids at camp this year and i’m thinking 3-4 nurses each week of camp.


    This depends on the health of your kids. All in good health?
    We staff our center from 7-3 and 2-10 with an hour of huddle in between.
    One nurse and one aide on east campus and another aide on west campus.
    Our aides are on-call to be woken up overnight, but our go-phone is on forward to one of the nurse’s personal cells as well. We are not compensated for our night call duty.
    So 3 full time and one part-time nurse.
    and 5 full time aides.

    Kayli Moody

    What are your aides allowed to do? Are all of your nurses RN’s or are some LPS’s and how many campers do you serve? My camp has about 350 + staff with a very heavy AM and HS med pass. We usually have at least 4 nurses for AM med pass alone.



    This is a great question and one that we are often asked. There are many variable that determine your health staffing ratios: population being served? licensure of healthcare staff? distance from ER or urgent care? Support staff? Complexity of care? Type of activities (high risk?)?

    Understanding your camp is critical to making the best decision for healthcare staffing. No other person knows your camp or can answer these questions for you. Therefore, when others decide their need, they have often used historical experiences to drive some of those decisions.

    Keep investigating. Let us know how we can assist.
    Tracey Gaslin

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