Medications in First Aid Kits

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  • #45181
    Margaret Crowder

    Hello, I am attempting to update some policies at our camp and medications in our first aid kits that travel on out of camp trips is one of them. I have asked that we only include emergency meds in our kits, i.e. Epi, Benadryl, and campers emergency inhalers and seizure medications.

    In the past we have included: Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Loperamide, Meclizine, Benadryl, Epi, and a decongestant (phenylephrine HCL). All of these med doses are only for people 12 and up, with the exception of the Benadryl and Epi.

    Our campers range in age from 5-16. We rarely have a nurse on an out of camp trip.

    My question is our counselors are trained in first aid and the emergency administration of Epi/benadryl for anaphylactic emergency, but have no other medication administration training. Our guides have Wilderness First Aid training, but I do not believe that includes administering meds except Epi and Benadryl.

    My state’s nurse practice act is quite clear about to whom I can delegate the task of administering meds and it does not include giving “as needed meds” by unlicensed providers.

    I’ve received some push back about removing these meds from the to go first aid kits and I want to know what other camps do.

    Do standing orders cover meds being given by staff other than nurses? What if parents consent to their child being given OTC meds as needed? And can I personally be held liable if there is an adverse event as a result?

    Thanks in advance for your assistance:)

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