Length of quarantine for cohort if a pos is found

HOME Forums Camp Health Length of quarantine for cohort if a pos is found

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  • #41527
    Matthew Hecht

    Hi all,

    How long should a cohort be isolated from the rest of camp if there was a positive Covid within a cohort but no one else had signs/symptoms.

    Am I wrong in thinking it’s 10 days if you’re not testing?

    And 5 days if you can PCR test?

    ***I’m making the assumption our participants will not have access to the vaccine by this summer.


    Great question Matt. Currently the recommendation is 10 days if no symptoms appear. You can quarantine for 7 days if testing performed during days 5-7. The link below goes into detail about how the CDC arrived as some decisions about decreasing quarantine days depending on several different variables.


    I hope this helps.
    Tracey Gaslin

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