Help with a Camp in Idaho

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    Caitlin Barghausen

    I am assisting with the proper set up and restructuring of a summer camp on Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho. I am looking to see if there is anyone here who would like to assist me in pointing me in the right direction. I am needing to develop an SOP and Protocols. I have an overseeing MD. I also have access to CampDocs. I am currently in the research phase. Thank you!

    Anne Isedeh

    I used the camp nurse text book from the store to help set up documentation for a camp health clinic. You will need standing orders and a well stocked clinic.

    You will need to be able to address first aid emergencies. You will need to ensure you have an AED as well, if not more than one. Your staff must be first aid certified, and I believe ACN membership allows us to train first aid (but I have to look into that some more).

    You will need a way of documentation and a safe place to lock up medications.

    Organization is key.

    Once camp starts be sure you have a roster of kids and parental contact easily available.

    Are you going to be the camp nurse?




    Congratulations on the new camp in Idaho. This has to be a exciting adventure for you. WE (ACN) are glad to assist with your health services protocols. I am assuming when you say SOPs and protocols you are referencing the health components – correct? I know when trying to start something brand new it can seem overwhelming, but I would encourage you to focus on the five main things that every camp does:
    Medication Management
    Communicable Disease Management

    We have practice guidelines available for each of these activities which help walk you through establishing the necessary protocols.

    The two other components to start working on are standing medical orders and reviewing your state camp laws and state nurse practice act.

    1. Standing medical orders – we have a copy in the camp store that you can purchase and then use what you wish from that document as you create your own orders for a prescriber to sign.
    2. Review your state nurse practice act (Idaho nurse practice act) and just make sure you understand the role of the nurse in your state. For example, states can vary in how much “delegation” they allow a nurse to do so you want to see if there are any stipulations in your practice act.
    3. State camp laws/requirements – your camp director should be able to assist with finding (or maybe has) this information. In some states, camps are heavily regulated while in others there are almost no regulation. You will just want to know.

    I hope this is a good starting point. Let us know what other questions you might have.
    Tracey Gaslin

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