Grant for student nurses

HOME Forums Camp Health Grant for student nurses

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  • #47569
    Aviva Gluck

    Has anyone successfully received a grant to work with one specific college or more then one college to help pay for nursing students to intern at the health center?



    I have worked with nursing students a great deal at camp. However, we have not offered to pay nursing students but rather work out with the university so that the students can get clinical hours during the camp experience. We know there are significant challenges in students gaining quality pediatric clinical experiences and camp is a great place to help fill that void.

    Tracey Gaslin

    Shelly Nalbone

    I work at a camp for children, teens and adults with disabilities. I am also faculty with a university BSN program. We bring students to camp to be 1:1 buddies with a special needs camper and the student receives 90 clinical hours for their time at camp. It is a great experience for the nursing students! This summer, we expanded the program with 3 nursing schools. I am happy to share information about the experience.

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