Experience with pill packaging companies- PillPack?

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    Bets Bloom

    I work at a large sleep-away Summer Camp that has used a local pharmacy to package our medications for years until they couldn’t handle our volume last year. The pill packaging service we used last year was not ready for our volume either, resulting in many unhappy camper families and nursing staff.

    Has anyone else used PillPack (by Amazon)? What was your experience? They seem too good to be true. One of the issues we had last year was the cost to the families. PillPack does not charge a fee to package the pills and mail them to us.

    Does anyone have a good pharmacy service they would suggest?

    Susan Schwartzman

    We looked at PillPack and the issue we had is that they would not package ADD meds, controlled substances. We switched to PackMyRx last year and they were fine, but they will not package any as needed pills… which opens a whole other can of worms. And, again, there is the cost, which I tell parents is the cost of sending your kids to camp these days. Good luck.


    CVS has Simple dose but I’m not sure about the controlled.

    Carrie Smith

    I’ve gotten good feedback about PillPack from families.

    In speaking with multiple camps, we’ve decided not to go with a camp pharmacy, but given parents the choice to pre-package daily medications or pay a significant fee for us to pack them. All must make a selection before enrollment is finalized.

    For the prepackaged meds (via pillpack), we offer a variance for controlled medications, liquids, and inhaled meds, but all other meds (including gummies, vitamins and supplements, or if the child takes meds in addition to the controlled medication) must be prepackaged or pay the fee.

    We are also requiring a provider note/prescription for all meds (daily or prn), including OTC, vitamins, melatonin, gummies, etc.

    We figure this will at least help make compliance better than it has been. And hopefully get parents to think twice about sending unnecessary medications. Of course, we have some parents complaining, but hoping most will comply.

    Please keep us posted if you find a pharmacy that works well for you!

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