Epinephrine Delivery Devices

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    Stacy Dorian

    Looking at alternative ways to have EPI available at camp and on our multi-week backpacking trips. Would love to hear from any camps using the epi vial + syringe system (such as EpiSafe). I am also investigating the Symjepi device…has anyone used this. Trying to figure out if trained individuals can use it as it is basically a prefilled syringe…all you have to do is push the plunger. I am hoping that we can have it written into our protocols after our medical director reviews it. We are in California, but I would love to hear from anyone nationwide/worldwide!! Hoping this will be an option this summer. Please provide your input/advice!!

    Mary Marugg

    Stacy, Great questions. There are camps who have allowed syringes and vials for WFR trained staff.

    I know that some states (for example Colorado) have specific regulations for camp health services, and state clearly that non-RN’s have to use auto-inject devices. (Vials and syringes are not allowed) I’ll follow up and see if I can find anything about Symjepi.


    Hi Stacy,
    I did purchase an Epi-Safe to have on camp last summer (we weren’t open for full camp but we did host a few small private groups.) Honestly, I was also concerned for bee stings among staff, etc. I was the only nurse on camp, along with 1 WFR so training wasn’t a big issue for us.
    Luckily, I did not ever have to use the device but I thought it was a good stand by for those who are appropriately trained and/or certified to give. It was a good value (versus an auto injector.) and was self-contained with very simple instructions. You do have to draw up so not as simple as what you seem to be describing with the Symjepi.
    I intend to purchase a few more to have as our Health Center stock for this season. In our practice we would only have it for us under the direction of the physician in the Health Center. We usually send the auto-infectors on our trips–but we aren’t really doing any far “back-country” trips, either.

    Mary Marugg

    Katie and Stacy,

    Through Boundtree supplier with an ACN membership, you can get a “Curaplex” epi kit for about $30. It contains 1 vial of epi, a syringe and prep pad, packaged in a nice little box. Katie how much was the Epi-Safe?



    Aja Hutchins

    I am wondering if it would be a good idea to include a kit like this on wilderness trips. Not likely to have a lot of trips this year, but it something I was considering in the before Covid times.

    All trips are lead bu WFR. So I know they have the training. And it would be for emergencies only, if someone has a prescribed epi-pen they would be required to have that with them on the trip.


    Mary Marugg


    Just check your state regulations– as some states are specific that in child care settings any non-RN has to use an auto-inject device, and can’t use the vials and syringes. If allowed by regulations, those little kits from BoundTree are great.


    The Epi-Pro was $104 through Henry Schein. Essentially the same as the Curaplex–only you get 3 syringes. (to split the dose, i.e. for kids.)

    Mary Marugg

    @Mary Waldrep,

    Good info! Thanks! Nice to have the option of choice- more syringes for $104 or the Curaplex for $30!

    Kim Belcik

    Re: unassigned epinephrine on camp. I’m writing up the policy and procedures for unassigned epinephrine on camp. Are their resources on this site related to a template for this? Or is anyone willing to share theirs?


    Hi Kim,
    Are you referring to the epi pens that are placed around camp? If so I have a policy that I can share with you.

    Shelley Sloan

    Kim Belcik

    Yes. There would be epinephrine at minimum at the health center this year. And then we could add one at the dining hall perhaps next year. Thank you for sharing.
    Kim Belcik

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