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    Melissa Mauer

    Would like to know how many camps out there who are open for the season and experiencing COVID cases? What are you doing? Following CDC? Isolating?

    Susan Schwartzman

    We are not testing but we suspect that many of the viral illnesses we are seeing are COVID. We treat symptomatically, keep them out of the bunk if they have fever and until they are well enough to participate. Sick is sick and we are back to treating illness the way we did pre-COVID…plus using masks to see all sick people. If campers or staff are not getting well at camp, they go home. We just had Visiting Day and will not be surprised if we see an uptick in illness in another day or two. From what we are hearing there is a good amount of COVID out in the non-camp population, so know it will be here at camp, too; we are not a closed community.

    We have seen more pneumonia than usual, less strep.

    Nancy Brim

    I got COVID during our precamp training from my co-director (June 1). I did not pass it along to anyone else. We did not test for COVID unless there were symptoms. We had seven cases in our last session that started July 16. It spread from patient zero (a CIT) to two other CITs as well as four other counselors. A week later, a camper tested positive. Our camping season ended July 29 – we have not heard from any parents about a camper having COVID once she got home.

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