CampDocs vs CampBrain

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    We’re thinking about switching from CampDocs to CampBrain. Opinions?

    Mary Marugg

    Hi Jennifer,
    It’ll be best for you to clarify what you want to use the software for. CampDoc is primarily an electronic health record system, with a camp registration component.
    CampBrain is more of a camp data management system which includes components for managing fundraising/donations, conference center logistics and staff management in addition to health records and camp registration. Once you identify your primary needs it may become clear which system is a better fit for your camp.



    It is always a good idea to compare programs. If you are currently using CampDoc then make a list of the components that are work well and components that give you challenge. If you are using CampMinder, then do the same.

    I can tell you that CampDoc is a medical record that then added on a registration component. All the other programs were registration programs that have added some medical documentation platforms but they are not robust documentation records that you may be accustomed to. I know some camps use other programs but do not use their medical component as it does not have a significant enough medical documentation platform to meet their needs so they just chart on paper.

    Take care
    Tracey GAslin

    Katherine Teigen

    The camp I work with is looking at switching from paper health records/charting to an electronic format. Has anyone used the Medical app with CampWise?

    Mary Marugg

    If you use decide to use CampWise I hope you’ll keep us posted on how it works for you. Thanks!


    Lisa Keeler

    I find Camp Brain a little difficult to use- also not great for Health Center documentation. I would love to make our daily documentation digital- does anyone have systems that work for them?

    Katie Hilton

    We started using CampBrain the end of last year and I have to be honest it’s been a nightmare. It’s not very user friendly and we’re constantly getting calls from families struggling with registration. If you have more than one type of program it can be complicated and the system is constantly down with issues. The health centre is extremely basic and only allows you to make a chart note if a child visits the clinic. I’m actually looking at using CampDoc because I need something more robust and reliable.

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