Background checks for medical screeners

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    Vicki Cutshall

    We have volunteer RN’s and advanced practice providers, as well as physicians serving at our diabetes camps bus check ins. They are performing the initial skin and head check, health forms review, packing meds, reviewing EMR information and emergency contacts.
    It’s been my practice to seek a background check for them due to the access to children’s PHI and contact information.
    Screeners are not alone with a child, all done in an open but well-spaced environment.
    Anyone think the background check is unnecessary?

    Susan Schwartzman

    Necessary. Anyone who is at camp and will be interacting with campers should have a background check.
    Better to set that standard now than be sorry later that it was not in place. It may also be an ACA requirement… not sure if your camp is accredited.

    Mary Marugg

    Good question Vicki. Also check your state regulations. There are different levels of background checks to consider as well. It is certainly good practice to get background checks on all adults, but you might discover that a lower level of background check is adequate, rather than a full FBI fingerprint check.

    Meghan Anderson

    They will be touching and assessing campers. Background check = yes

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