Arrival testing

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  • #42301
    Maryellen McCone

    Does anyone know anything about a company called Visby? They have the first PCR test that doesn’t reguire any instrumentation and gives results in 30 minutes. I heard about it on the ACA chat on Friday and am going to set up a call with them.
    I’m also communicating with OnSite about testing. They do require a machine but when you order tests they loan you as many machines as necessary. I’m waiting for a proposal from them. You could also have them run the entire testing procedure which would cost more.
    NH requires PCR testing on arrival as well as pre camp and another on day 5-7 if campers are staying longe than 2 weeks.
    I’m interested in doing the arrival testing in the most efficient and cost effective way possible so I welcome any input on the topic. Thanks

    Mary Marugg

    Hi Maryellen,

    There is an extensive document from Harvard about various COVID tests and a list of companies. This may provide a bit more information as you navigate the most cost effective way to do the testing.

    Does NH require PCR testing on fully vaccinated staff? CDC guidance is saying that testing fully vaccinated people isn’t necessary unless they are symptomatic. I know states don’t have to follow CDC guidance, but it’s interesting!

    Maryellen McCone

    Thanks Mary, I’ll take a look at that link. I have a call set up with a visby rep in 10 minutes. I spoke with the coordinator of congregate testing from the NH DHHS and asked specifically about testing vaccinated people and he said they’d follow the cdc guidance which is that testing is unnecessary. I did speak to somebody from onsite another testing company who said they were testing people who had gotten the Pfizer vaccine because they found some positives as it didn’t seem to be as affective against the variants. I’ve not seen anything about this in either ACA, ACN, or CDC guidelines

    Maryellen McCone

    Looks like the Visby test is on that list of approved NAT’s

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