Reply To: Staff MESH Accomodations

HOME Forums Camp Health Staff MESH Accomodations Reply To: Staff MESH Accomodations

Mary Marugg

Carrie, Thank you for your post, and for your vulnerability in the challenges that you are seeing. I believe it provides us a great opening to continue the conversation about some of the issues that are indeed being seen in many programs. Some of the over-arching questions you raise is how do camps accommodate for what may be viewed as “normal”, yet the staff member may not be emotionally equipped to fill the role of safely taking care of kids. Not easy answers, but as the ACH leadership team we’ll look at how to continue the conversation, and provide solid resources to ACH members. A couple notes, the ACH MESH Resource Guide does address some of these issues, and has some solid guidance on questions to ask for both campers and staff on health forms. . The ACH Fall Coonference, “Tension of Care” will also includes sessions related to these issues.