Reply To: Sharps for Dexcom applicators

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Vicki Cutshall

Camp Hodia, in Idaho, is a diabetes camp for T1 campers. We use the same principle the campers would use at home for sensor inserters. Since the housing is completed enclosed for the needle once it is inserted, the inserter is disposed of in regular trash–admittedly bulky and a lot of waste. Even in the unlikely event of blood on the exterior of the housing, it would be very small, similar to removing a band aide and disposing in regular trash.
To add if helpful, the preloaded insertion devices, however, for pump TUBING (AutoSoft is an example) with a base and a pop on/off cap, we DO have a large sharps container in the Health Center for disposal since it is conceivable the cap could be dislodged and a bare needle exposed if it were placed in trash. Camper or staff member just brings it in for disposal.