Reply To: Lice Screening

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Susan Schwartzman

We determined (the hard way) that having a professional service is the best, most efficient way to deal with screening and treatment of lice. I would look for another company… and if you do not engage professional services, consider purchasing their products and using their methods for treating. Pre- professional service, we spent HOURS treating on opening day and then a week later, etc., but ultimately we realized that we were not taking the appropriate amount of time to do a thorough enough check (checking 300-plus kids back then, now we have more campers) and we missed things. Trying to treat everyone while taking care of the rest of opening day activities in the health center was simply not to anyone’s benefit. Plus campers were missing out on camp, staff were missing work.
Aside from oil based solutions or investing in a FloSonix (like a dehydrator and vacuum for nits and lice) just loads of high quality metal lice combs, patience & time seem to be the best way, just not fast or necessarily guaranteed. Also, our checks are done outside, in daylight, whenever possible. Dry hair for searching is easiest. We are still taking time to properly handle bedding, pillows, lovies, that come up with campers, hair brushes, ties, clothes…to avoid spread and re-infestation.
Good luck!