Reply To: Epi Pen supply

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Sarah Packman

We order almost 30 epi-pens to distribute to various areas of camp and to send on all out of camp trips. Our doctor calls in a prescription to a CVS I have identified, specifically stating “generic epinephrine auto injectable” (can’t write “epi-pen”) and then I call to check that they are filling it with the correct brand. A dual pack costs $110, so we still spend quite a bit because of how many we order. I try to place the order very close to camp’s opening and I call different CVS stores in the area to find out who has the best expiration dates before I have the RX called in. If I’m lucky, we can get them to last two summers. It used to be that you could order it using the name of the institution, but now they require a name, so they just use mine. In addition to that, campers who carry epi-pens send two or four to camp, one or two to be kept in the cabin and taken with them on trips, the others to be kept in the Health Center (and we pack them out for any trips). CVS has had this plan for years for schools and camps can use it too. If they give you a hard time, just google the information online and show it to the pharmacist. It is a specific generic that you want. You also need to train your staff on how to use all different kinds of epinephrine injectables because they all work differently. This one does not retract the needle after use, so you have to be extra careful.