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So glad to hear you had a good experience with Boundtree. We have arranged for our members to get discount medical supplies from them for several years now. We know that epi-pens can get expensive but there are alternatives that offer the same benefit at a lower price as well.

We (ACH) strongly encourages all camps to keep stock epi when state law allows. We just completed some research around this exact topic and are getting ready to submit the article for publication with the hope of reinforcing the value of having stock epi and all camps across the US.

We know that it is not appropriate to use an epi-pen designated for one person on anyone else at camp so stock epi becomes important for those individuals who may not have been identified with having an allergy yet.

We also have an agreement with Campdoc for discount medical supplies. Both companies and their information is available on our website.

Tracey Gaslin