Reply To: Wilderness trained staff?

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If this helps, I will share. We use the healthcare assistant role in our camp to expand the function of the RN. In Texas, that would mean that your Wilderness First Aid person would be administering meds under my license. In the past, our med admin was “interesting” as well so I feel your desire and concern related to this. How we addressed it this year is all the HCA’s completed the Alliance for Camp Health med admin online training and then I checked them all off. We talked through all the big considerations the nurse would consider with giving meds (allergy to peanuts, don’t give that med). I made it fun and we used candy in the med cups to talk through potential common situations. Then, each week when the RN arrives (we switch weekly), I encourage her to watch the med set up process with the HCAs and reiterate they are under her license so she has to decide her comfort level. Within our delegation policy, they can administer meds per their training. This has worked so well and it empowers the nurses to participate in the med set up and ensure they feel safe with delegating this aspect of care. Overall, the team and I feel really comfortable with how this process is going. Good luck!