Reply To: Medications

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Great conversation here friends. Medication management has always been one of the top challenges for camp healthcare providers across the US. The juxtaposition is that licensed healthcare providers must follow the legal requirements in their state to administer medications which usually includes being able to check the five rights (person, drug, dose, route, time) with medication administration. If using a pre-packaging company that knows this, they provide the five rights on the blister pak or other packaging mechanism – this is pharmacy law and requirement. Parents, as a general rule, don’t know this information and often are perplexed that we don’t “trust them”. This is a key educational piece to share with families and campers as part of your application process.

Candi is correct in that camps most likely do not administer any herbals, homeopathics, or other substances where they do not have the five rights provided.

Keep up the good work!