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Thanks for your response. This situation is related to “scope of practice”. You must understand what the scope of practice is for an RN, for an EMT, and for a first aider in your state. Remember that a registered nurse is the appropriate level of licensure to oversee medication management. EMT scope of practice is practicing under the direction of an emergency medicine physician. Otherwise, they are not practicing at all as an EMT – they are an UAP, just like a trained counselor would be a UAP. This is important as you would not want an EMT responding to emergencies at camp as they would be operating outside of their scope in the camp setting. Confirm with your state regulations as well.

As an RN, you can delegate the TASK of medication dispensing to an UAP. However, no decision-making or judgment activities should be delegated. For example, a staff member can be trained to give a pill (you should have a clear and documented orientation) but they cannot be delegated the decision about what to do if a camper loses a pill or has an adverse reaction, or refuses to take medication. That is the role of the RN. Only the RN can do decision-making. I share this as it will be important to consider who is making decisions when campers arrive in the health center and the RN is not onsite. Decision-making and judgment cannot be delegated by an RN according to the scope of practice.

Please know that parents can sign that they agree for their child to receive certain OTC medications, but you still need a standing order from a prescriber. The child’s physician can provide that order or you can have standing orders for the camp signed by a prescriber.

I hope this provides some clarification. Let us know if more questions arise.
Tracey Gaslin