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JIll Frey

Hi Tracey,
I have a similar question about how having an EMT is different from a first aider or an RN… It sounds like from what you say here it is more similar to the RN.

I am wondering about treatment procedures.

For a First aider, they just do first aid. Treatment procedures are just the “first aid book”. For prescription medication that comes to camp with a child with a current prescription from a prescriber, they keep it locked up and “observe that the child takes the right dose at the right time and documents it”. We are not prescribing anything new. Is this ok to be the same for an EMT or RN?

Also for other-the-counter medications. Like Tylenol for a headache. We have the parents indicate on their health form if they give permission for the camper to have “Tylenol for a headache”. We list specific things for each common OTC medicine and then we give it if the camper has that issue with the parent’s permission and only according to the label. We do not give it without the parents permission on that form.

I know an RN needs a “treatment procedure” or standing order from a Dr to do the second. Is it the same for an EMT? I think maybe by what you said above.

The EMT would not really be functioning as EMS. We would be calling the local EMS, which is close if anything is needed.

If I have an EMT or a First aider, I will have an RN that will be the RN consultant and will wortk with them pre-camp for training and with check-in and will touch base with the EMT daily via zoom or in person.

I’m not sure if this makes sense. I think my question is Am I understanding what you’ve said above… Is it correct that if I have an EMT or a RN that we need ot have standing orders from a DR. If I have an EMT they need to have a RN to help with orientation and support.

JIll Frey
[email protected]