Reply To: allergy shots – staff

HOME Forums Camp Health allergy shots – staff Reply To: allergy shots – staff

Stephanie Bland

We have done allergy injections for both campers & staff when needed. We make sure we have very specific orders from the MD. We have a conversation with the parent & the allergist’s office to verify the serum once we have it at camp. Our camp is fortunate to have an MD on staff & on campus. The MD must be at the HC during administration (the nurses actually administer the injections) and the individual must remain at the HC for 30 minutes (that seems to be the time most of the allergist’s offices recommend). Our procedures require the nurse listen to lungs before administering, checking during the observation period & before they return to activity. We make a note of any skin reaction (or lack of reaction) & lung assessments in camper/staff health record as well as a form that goes home at the end of camp to be given to allergist’s office.