Reply To: Vaccine requirement for overnight camp summer 2022

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Thanks for the feedback. I think it is wonderful that you did not have any COVID but what I hear is that you feel that you are “skating on thin ice” due to the fact that you don’t have strong communicable disease protocols.

I would encourage you to pursue development of these policies because now it is COVID, but in 3-5 years, it will be a different virus and you want to be prepared. I can share with you that in our review of camps from summer 2022, there were about 18 camps that had outbreaks of COVID (more than about 10 cases). 16 of the 18 were Christian camps that did not want to enforce nonpharmaceutical interventions. I would love to be able to connect with organizations like Cedarbrook and provide education about the loving way to care for folks in a pandemic is to use protection measures. You are not the only one with which I have had this conversation. We continue to encourage folks to consider their responsibility in caring for a community as a higher precedent, than what individuals want. I don’t think any of us “want” to wear a mask or have extreme sanitation measures, but we do because it is the loving thing to do for our communities.

Stand strong friend. If ACN can be of assistance in working on your communicable disease protocols (which include immunization policies), we are glad to assist.

Take care
Tracey Gaslin