Reply To: Vaccine requirement for overnight camp summer 2022

HOME Forums Camp Health Vaccine requirement for overnight camp summer 2022 Reply To: Vaccine requirement for overnight camp summer 2022

Katherine Teigen

I just met with my camp’s summer operations committee to discuss immunization policies. We didn’t have a written policy for any immunizations, although we should. We are an ACA accreditation camp so we do require attestation from parents that the camper has received immunizations required by the school. We struggled last year to even have a masking requirement because of the spectrum of opinions in our camp community. We have thankfully gone the last two summers with no covid cases in both our camper and staff populations. Last summer we had a camp cold outbreak which I think opened leadership eyes to how easily communicable disease spread.

Long story short…. We felt that our mitigation measures were strong enough to protect our low risk population so we will not prevent un-vaccinated individuals from attending our camp. I’m still working out the wording for the official policy though.

Does anyone know of any camp nurse roundtables or events on this topic? Last spring Association of Cedarbrook camps had a camp nurse zoom call but I haven’t seen anything yet this year, might be too early still.