Reply To: Supplements, Oils

HOME Forums Camp Health Supplements, Oils Reply To: Supplements, Oils

Mary Marugg


Good questions! From Erceg and Gaslin’s Camp Nursing: The Basics and Beyond book there is a good explanation of medication:
“From a camp perspective “medication” often refers to substances that people use either routinely or as needed to maintain their health and/or to promote recovery from injury or illness events.Such a definition brings alternative and complimentary remedies, vitamins and food supplements under the camp’s “medication” umbrella.”

Check your state regulations regarding medications at camps, some states do specifically include herbal and homeopathic remedies, and require MD approval for their use at camp.

ACN’s practice guideline also addresses this umbrella of “medication”

CBD oil also is included in this realm, here is a link to additional information about CBD oil:

This may be a great time for you to help your camp develop some policies for herbal and homeopathic substances, taking in to consideration state regulations.
