You’re Invited to Contribute to Research
Is your camp a traditional overnight camp, serving a general population, that accommodates a few food allergies every session? A recreation doctoral student is seeking camps to participate in a research project about children with food allergies at residential camp to understand their experiences. The intended outcome of this project is recommendations for practice to help camps better serve this population- please reach out if you’d like to be involved!
If interested in participating, please contact:
Alexsandra Dubin, M.S.

Alexsandra Dubin, M.S.
Clemson University
Alexsandra Dubin, M.S. is a graduate student in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at Clemson University and is working towards her PhD in Community Recreation, Sport, and Camp Management. She worked for eight summers at Girl Scout Camps in both New York and Virginia. Her research focuses on issues in camp administration, with a specific focus on children with Severe Food Allergy and the constraints to participation that they face.