I am a new ACN member and I am very impressed with the ACN’s leadership and ability to connect us to experts in the field. Excellent!

ACN Member

October in the ACN Office

A virtual camp health conference, seeking applications for candidates for the upcoming board elections, collaborating with Clemenson University and the American Camp Association on a survey about how COVID-19 impacted camp health services this past summer – there is a lot going on in the ACN office! 

Now is a great time to be involved with ACN. There are many ways to put ACN resources to good use as you plan for 2021. We value the input of our members!

If you missed the virtual conference this week the sessions will be available in the ACN Online Education Center soon. The content was robust and reflected many of the current and emerging issues in camp health.

ACN Symposium February 2021

Consider joining the ACN Board of Directors