ACN Office

The ACN office continues to be lively with “all things COVID-19.” There are camps who are opening, and they are navigating the new world of physical distancing, masks, federal, state and local guidance as well as the usual flow of camp. Other camps are not opening, and healthcare staff are taking this window of time to revisit healthcare policies and plans. Where ever you find yourself, ACN is here to help.

On our “Contact Us” page you’ll find direction on how to contact Tracey Gaslin, ACN Executive Director for all health care related questions:  [email protected]. If you have log in issues, membership questions, website problems please contact our technical support staff at [email protected]

Summer camp in this COVID-19 world!

The American Academy of Pediatrics has released guidance for families and pediatricians during this COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Webinars

All webinars that ACN has produced, or taken part in are recorded, and free for ACN members. Log in to the Member Center to access them. Most of the webinars from the spring of 2020 are COVID-19 related, but also find a webinar on Medication Managment, and a webinar on Concussion at Camp